Hair Loss Integration

Hair Loss Integration Systems provide a solution for clients who may not necessarily be suitable for Hair Extensions. These systems are becoming increasingly popular for people suffering from alopecia, thinning hair and hair that may be too short for extensions.


You must be qualified in the Celebrity or Invisible Weave method before you are able to complete any Hair Integration Training.



Or just £59 per month!



Be one of the first in your area to offer this service. You must be confident in cutting men’s hair to complete this course.


Or just £55 per month!


Refresh your skills in any of our Hair Loss Courses. Whether you have trained with us or elsewhere, all our secrets are revealed here!



Or just £27 per month!

The Details

You will learn everything you need to know to become a Hair Integration Specialist including: health and safety; hair loss physiology and anatomy; hair growth cycle, male and female hair loss types, how to conduct a consultation; tailoring and placement of the systems; application, maintenance and removal of the systems; aftercare; pricing; trade suppliers and discounts; marketing and insurance.

You will be provided with manuals and an accredited certificate upon completion.

Hair Loss Mesh Integration

The Hair Loss Mesh Integration System can be custom made as a complete system to fit any required area of coverage on the head, from partial mesh to full head. Once fitted, it gives the illusion of a full head of hair. The Hair Loss Mesh Integration System is more expensive and time consuming to apply than the Crown Volumiser System, but is suitable for a much wider range of clients with more complex requirements.

It is ideal for clientele with thinning hair, short hair all over the head or alopecia with up to 70% hair loss. If the client only has thinning or alopecia to the crown or parting area, they may be more suitable for the Crown Volumiser System.

Meshless Crown Volumiser System

The Crown Volumiser System can be custom made to the area of coverage required in the crown and parting area only. This system can be fixed in place or made easily removable on a daily basis. Once fitted, it gives the illusion of full hair around the crown and frontal areas. The Crown Volumiser System has a much faster application time due to it’s meshless nature and is more affordable, comfortable and maintainable than a full Hair Loss Mesh Integration System. However, there are some exclusions for this method.

It is ideal for clientele with thinning, alopecia or short hair around the parting and crown area only. The client must have healthy growth across the rest of the head for this system. If the client has alopecia, weak hair or hair too short to fit extensions to the rest of the hair, they would be more suited to the Hair Loss Mesh Integration System.

Men’s Hair Replacement

The Hair Replacement System can be custom made to fit the required area of coverage for male and female pattern baldness. However, generally speaking, the Crown Volumiser or Mesh Integration Systems are more suited for most types of female hair loss. This system is built up as one complete system on the client’s scalp using a topper piece and adhesive which allows the scalp to breathe. This system can be permanently fitted for 4-6 weeks at a time with correct aftercare and maintenance. Once fitted, it gives the illusion of a full head of hair. The Hair Replacement System is very fast to apply but is only suitable for those who have baldness on top of their head, and is most suited to short hair.

It is ideal for clientele with complete hair loss on the top of their head, such as frontal fibrosing alopecia or male/female pattern baldness. The client should still have hair on the sides and back of their head for this system. This system is generally more suited to males.