
As a busy Mum, you’re used to being rushed off your feet. Dropping the children off, dashing to work then getting home just in time to cook dinner. Having to stay at home all day is a very different challenge. As the days go by it can be difficult to think of ways to keep everyone, including yourself, happy and thriving. Today we want to help with our top 20 ideas for things a Mum can do at home.

For Yourself

It’s not easy, but we think this is the perfect time to put yourself first. So we’re kicking off the list with our favourite things you can do for yourself.

Photo of mum doing yoga at home

Try a yoga class

There are lots of classes that you can follow for free on youtube. If you don’t know how to choose, then this guide is a great place to start. Just roll out a mat and get ready to destress and stretch.


It can be hard to find the time to read in our busy lives. If there’s a book you’ve been meaning to pick up, then this might be the perfect opportunity.

Write a letter

When you can’t see someone in person it can be easy to feel that you’re losing touch. Sending a handwritten letter is a great way to catch up on the news. After all, everyone likes to get something other than bills in the post!

Try a new recipe

If you enjoy cooking then why not take advantage of the time and experiment a little? You could aim to make the perfect souffle, or the best carrot and coriander soup. If you can’t get the ingredients you want, why not play your own version of “ready steady cook” with a mystery bag?

Have a spa night

Indulge yourself after the children are in bed. Enjoy a bubble bath, face mask and manicure, you could even include a glass of bubbly.

Take up a craft

From knitting and crochet to watercolours and metalworking. If there’s something you would like to try then why not give it a go and indulge your creative side?

Binge-watch your favourite show

You don’t have to be productive all the time, making the most of every moment can be exhausting! It’s fine to relax on the sofa with your favourite treats and indulge in a movie marathon now and again!

For your family

Boy watering gardenOf course, when you’re a Mum you won’t have endless days to spend on projects just for you. You also have small people to entertain! Turn boredom into treasured memories of family time with these things a Mum can do at home, with your family.

Start a garden

If you have an outside space then plant a few flower or vegetable seeds. You can enjoy getting out to tend them every day and harvesting the results of all that hard work.

Board games and jigsaws

Always a great way to get the family together. Try old favourites like Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly. Or experiment with something a little different, like Hoot Owl Hoot or 221B Baker Street.

Scavenger hunt

Send everyone scurrying around the house in search of clues, or print off a tick list of things to spot on a walk.

Print out Photos

If your photos are trapped on your phone why not set them free and order some prints? You could choose some favourites to hang on the wall or put them in an album. You could even create a family scrapbook and spend an afternoon down memory lane.

Bake something special

Making a mess and a sweet treat is always great fun! If you can’t get your usual ingredients, try an internet search. You find recipes for everything from flourless cakes to egg-free bakes.

Family film night

Pop some popcorn and grab your cosiest blankets for an evening curled up together in front of a film.

Have a picnic

Even if you can’t go far, a picnic in the garden can brighten up a dull day. If it’s raining, why not spread a picnic blanket on the living room floor and have an indoor picnic instead?

Get arty

Challenge each other to create the best playdough dinosaur, or experiment with mixing colours as you paint.

For your career

Is this a welcome break from a job you don’t enjoy, or are you worried about falling down the career ladder? Work towards the future you want with our top five things you can do for your career, without leaving home.

Mum working from home on laptop

Plan and Dream

It’s not often that we have the chance to step away from normal life and really think. What do you want your life to be like? Do you see yourself earning a promotion? Getting a new job? Doing something completely different?

Does your current role work around your family or would you like to change things? Take your time to imagine the possibilities and see what appeals to you.

Catch up on industry news

Are you so busy with work that you never have time to keep up on the latest developments and news in your industry? Now is your chance to catch up!

Listen to podcasts or audiobooks

There are podcasts and audiobooks on every industry, and on setting up your own business. You could pick up a few tips while you fold the laundry, or explore something totally new while you go for a run.

Take an online course

If you really want to take things to a new level, why not take an online course? You could gain a qualification that will help you aim for a promotion. Or start your journey towards something completely different.

Set up a new business

Is there something you have always wanted to do? There’s no time like the present to make that a reality. When all this is over you’ll be perfectly placed to ditch your old job and burst onto the market as your own boss.

If you want to explore the possibilities, you can find our six steps to starting a business here. We also have posts on branding and pricing that might be useful.

Look to the future

There are so many things a Mum can do at home that it can feel overwhelming. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to do it all! Just pick a few things, perhaps one from each category, and give them a try.

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