There are several different kinds of hair loss replacement systems. Each one suits clients with different patterns of hair loss, and the right system can have a wonderful impact on the life of a person suffering from hair loss.

Losing their hair is often very difficult for both men and women, it has been linked with marital and work problems (especially for women) and with mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Andre Agassi described the experience of losing hair when he was a young man as being like losing “little pieces of my identity,” which certainly highlights the impact that hair loss can have. It’s such an important issue that scientists are increasingly interested in trying to find a cure, but so far they simply haven’t come up with anything that works.

A Solution for Hair Loss

Hair loss integration is a very effective solution that you can offer to clients who are experiencing hair loss due to alopecia, treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy, hair loss after pregnancy or age-related male and female pattern baldness. Clients love having a solution that doesn’t involve surgery or medications, that looks truly natural and that can always be removed or changed if they want something different in the future.

Specialising in hair loss replacement systems can also be a very rewarding career for you as a technician. Your work could make a huge difference in people’s lives, giving them confidence, allowing them to live the way they want to and even helping to improve their mental health.

There are three main types of integration systems for hair loss. In general, they are all undetectable and very comfortable to wear, being light and breathable so they don’t sweat or itch. Clients can style their hair in any way they want and can even do things like go swimming or drive a convertible car without worrying that anything will slip or blow away.

Mesh Integration

Mesh integration is an ideal solution for clients who have thinning hair, very short hair or hair loss all over their head since it can be made to cover any area. It is the most expensive and time-consuming of the three options, but the only one that works for clients with more complex needs.

The system is made to the exact size and shape that the client needs and consists of a fine net base with individual hairs tied on by hand. When it’s fitted the mesh base sits next to the client’s scalp and their natural hair comes through the net. This means that the new hair is evenly distributed through the natural hair, without putting it under any extra strain or risking damaging or breaking already weak hairs.

Many clients love the fact that they don’t have to have their remaining natural hair cut or shaved, with mesh integration it’s not replaced entirely but added to, giving them back a full head of hair. If a client’s natural hair begins to grow back it simply grows through the mesh.

Crown Volumiser

If a client’s hair loss is only in the crown and parting areas, then a crown volumiser system might be an option. This system is more affordable and quicker to apply than a mesh integration system, and can even be fitted with clips that allow the client to remove and replace the system each day. It doesn’t work for everyone though, the client does need to have healthy hair growth over the back and sides of their head, long enough to fit extensions.

In many ways, a crown volumiser hair replacement system (also known as a topper) is similar to mesh integration, in that the new hair is attached to a fine net and fitted close to the scalp. But here the aim is to recreate just the top layer of hair, leaving lower layers of natural hair in place. This means that the end result looks very natural and should simply give the client back the full head of hair that they used to have.

Men’s Hair Replacement

The final option is quite different and is best for clients who have complete hair loss in the crown area but still have natural hair on the back and sides of their head, as is often the case with male pattern baldness. That’s why it is known as a men’s hair loss replacement system, although of course it can be used with female clients as well.

Strands of replacement hair are threaded into a base material of very thin artificial skin, with enough strands included to give full coverage. Any remaining natural hair is then shaved from the area to be covered and the base material is glued to the scalp with a hypoallergenic adhesive. The replacement system will completely cover the area of hair loss and since it’s attached to the scalp it can be cut and blended in even when a client has short natural hair on the backs and sides.

As each strand is attached individually these systems can give a very realistic look. For example, a gradual and uneven hairline means your client’s hair can be styled away from his face and still look natural.

Men’s hair replacement systems are relatively new to the UK and not yet widely available, so you can get ahead of the trend if you choose to be one of the first in your area to offer this solution to your clients.

A new challenge as a hair loss expert

If you are a hair extension professional who would like a new challenge in a more complex and rewarding niche, then our hair loss integration training courses would be a great place to start.

You will learn everything you need to know to become a hair replacement specialist, from the knowledge of different types of loss to how to construct and apply the systems, aftercare and even marketing advice to help you grow your new business. Whether you choose to specialise in hair loss replacement systems for men, women or both we are sure you will enjoy the training and go on to build a successful business.